Monday, December 12, 2005


the guys

Ok so around 3:30am we decided to come up with names for everyone on our wing.
Here is the list.

  1. Josiah - The IMT Guy
  2. Tall Eric - The Singing Guy
  3. Matt - The Shady Character
  4. Other Eric - The Night Owl
  5. Jordan - Anger Management Patient
  6. Andrew - The Wing Gangster
  7. James - The Man Who Wasn't There
  8. Whit - The CA
  9. Todd - The Procrastinator
  10. Nate - The Cut Guy
  11. Stew - The Ladies Man
  12. Stan - The RA
  13. Joe - The Creepy Guy
  14. Raymond - Resident Math Nerd
  15. Moses - The Guitar Guy
  16. Alex - The Music Man
  17. Shaun - The Weapons Expert
  18. D-Man - D-Man (nuff said)
  19. Geoff - The Adams Whore (girls dorm)
  20. Rob - The Emo Kid
  21. Other four rooms - The Hall of Mystery

That pretty much sums up my wing.

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